Sydney & Wollongong Fishing Report
The water has warmed back up from last week which got down to about 16ºC, it’s now sitting at about 19ºC which will only mean good things for fishing especially off the beach or rocks.
Fergo with another nice jewfish taken off the beach this morning. Again he used a soft vibe, this time the smaller Fuze Pulse 20gdid the damage not the big one. He fished the top of the tide like last week when he got the other one, casting into a nice little gutter.
Lots of Salmon being caught around the rocks at the moment. Bass Point and Kiama have been two hot spots lately with a few big schools swimming past on different occasions. Angus has fished the last few days off the rocks and out of the boat and managed a few nice ones off Wollongong.
Bass Point has been fishing well lately. Reports of a couple of big land based kings caught, and a big snapper, plus the salmon mentioned above.
Some nice jewfish and flathead being pulled from port harbour over the last few days.
Adam with a PB whiting he got on a Firebait Longtail Minnow in Lake Illawarra a couple arvos ago.
Good news for those keen for marlin season, one of the shark fishos had a striped marlin in his burley trail off the back of the shelf in 20.5ºC of water just the other day.
Good catches of kingfish in Botany Bay at Molineux Point and also good numbers of tailor. Whiting and bream up on the flats near Towra Point, and around the corner Jewfish are being caught from under Tom Uglys bridge.
Port Hacking has whiting on the flats taking both worms and surface lures. Also plenty of bream under the pontoons and moored boats for the lure fishermen. Tailor are going crazy just on dark down the south west arm hitting surface lures, and just about every bay in the hacking has kingfish hitting fresh squid and yellow tail baits as well as lures.
Jordan Keith had a nice day out on the Hacking recently and managed his first king for the season on a 6” Slug-go soft plastic, plus a few nice salmon on the same plastic and a good flatty on a Daiwa Double Clutch.
Gus Milsted is pictured with a few great recent catches coming out of the Port Hacking River. The jewie he caught using a pilchard up in the south west arm, and the other whiting, trevally and squid are from other areas he’s been fishing.

Some oversized kingfish are being caught off Sydney at the moment both spearfishing and line fishing with multiple reports coming in. Justin Ewan with a very nice 140cm, 20kg fish speared off Sydney over the weekend.