Fishing Report

Bass Point has been firing lately, reports of a 20kg and an 18kg Kingfish speared from a massive school, with even bigger fish among them! Some big Goatfish and Mowies were also speared off off the point.
Mitch is holding a mixed bag from his recent trip to Bass Point; Blackfish, Bream and Goatfish.
Minnamurra has again been produced some solid Flathead and trevally. The Squidgies Prawns have been working well.
Plenty of Squid being caught around Port Kembla.
Brad Roberts (pictured) landed a solid 9.1kg King after chucking a livie out off the port kembla boat ramp yesterday morning because of three surprise Kingfish that swam past.
Lake Illawarra has started to fire up with Flathead, Bream and Whiting kicking into gear, which would be the case for most lakes and estuaries this time of year.
Adam is pictured with a thick 88cm Flatty he caught down at Lake Conjola over the weekend using a Zman plastic.
Angus Cochrane is pictured above with a solid 84cm Flathead caught on a Sugarpen Deep lure yesterday.
The Port Hacking has had a bit of Kingfish action over the last week. John fished yesterday morning with and spotted some on his sounder, so chucked a Jackson RA Pop Lure at them with success.
Some solid Bream are being caught through the main channel of The Port Hacking River.
Flathead are taking plastics along the edges of Maianbar and Grays Point.
Tailor and Salmon are continuing to bust up the surface in a to of the bays of the Hacking, attacking surface poppers and stick baits.
Reports of a couple of customers that have been unable to stop big Grouper along the cliffs of Kurnell whilst using crab baits.