Fishing Report

Botany Bay continues to fire with Kingfish of all sizes. You can’t miss at the moment on lures or bait, they’re in a feeding frenzy!
Solid crabs are being caught around Tower Point.
Dimitri fished Port Hacking on Monday and landed his first ever Kingfish (pictured).
Champion effort of the week goes out to Snud. He discovered the Bottom Magic lures about a month ago and hasn’t looked back! He fished St Georges Basin over the weekend and got a massive mixed bag of quality fish. Bream, Whiting, Flathead, Tarwine and Tailor all on the one magic little lure!
Kingfish are taking a range of lures off Bass Point, Kaiken Poppers, metal spinners and count rigs working well. The underwater vis out there on Saturday was a moderate 7m with plenty of rat Kings sighted.
Snapper are still being caught along the National Park down as far as the Seacliff bridge.
Slimies are thick as ever, the Gallop Assist Long Cast proving a big success especially when they’re hanging that extra 10-20m wider off the rocks.
Reports of Jewfish being caught off Fairy Meadow beach recently.
70-85cm Flathead have been caught in Lake Conjola on plastics around near Beringer.
Cicada imitations are the go-to at the moment for Bass, Berry and Kangaroo Valley producing some good fish.
Some nice pan-sized Snapper being caught off Gerringong.
The banks at Jarvis Bay are producing Kings around the 10-15kg mark.