Fishing Report

Plenty of Bass are being caught in local streams and upstream waterways.
Snapper being caught of Wollongong in water out to the 80m mark. They’ve also been caught fairly regularly along the Royal National Park.
The Port Hacking has seen its fair share of Kingfish lately. Surface lures have been working well lately.
Some great Flathead have been caught in 30-40m of water off our coast with flounder being a welcomed by-catch.
The Georges river has produced Jewfish lately for both lure and bait fisherman.
Tailor and Salmon have been smacking surface lures in the Port Hacking River, Strada Virals a top choice as well as metal spinners.
Josh Chappel is pictured above with a fantastic Flatty he pulled from Lake Conjola a few days ago. He also fished Minnamurra River a couple of days ago for a solid catch of Flathead and Trevally.
Mick is pictured above with one of three nice Kingfish caught while fishing with John from our Taren Point store. They also reported lots of Squid around, which ended up a nice feed for the Kingfish and the family as you can see by the above picture.
Josh Robbins is pictured with a nice Flathead he caught on a recent session in the Shoalhaven River using the Trout Tune Lipless Lure. He also managed a nice little Bass on the same lure that day and snapped a pic of it underwater.